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WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2023:

主要翻译英语中文 lack n (shortage)SCSimplified Chinese 缺乏 quē fá TCTraditional Chinese 缺乏   SCSimplified Chinese 短缺 quē fá,duǎn quē  There is a severe lack of skilled mechanics in this town.  这个镇严重缺乏有技术的机械工。 lack n (scarcity)SCSimplified Chinese 稀缺 xī quē   SCSimplified Chinese 稀少 xī quē,xī shǎo TCTraditional Chinese 稀少   SCSimplified Chinese 稀少 xī quē,xī shǎo TCTraditional Chinese 稀少  The lack of water has caused the animals to die of thirst.  缺水导致了动物干渴死亡。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 其他翻译英语中文 lack [sth]⇒ vtr (does not have)SCSimplified Chinese 缺少 quē shǎo TCTraditional Chinese 缺少   SCSimplified Chinese 缺乏 quē shǎo ,quē fá TCTraditional Chinese 缺乏   SCSimplified Chinese 没有 quē shǎo ,méi yǒu TCTraditional Chinese 沒有  The label lacks information about the side effects of this drug.   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2023:

动词短语lack英语中文 lack in [sth] vtr phrasal insep (not have, be deficient in)SCSimplified Chinese 缺乏 quē fá TCTraditional Chinese 缺乏   SCSimplified Chinese 缺少 quē fá,quē shǎo TCTraditional Chinese 缺少  Whoever decorated this room is lacking in good taste. What we lack in experience, we make up for in enthusiasm.   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2023:

复合形式:lack英语中文 for lack of [sth] prep (due to not having [sth])SCSimplified Chinese 因为没有,由于缺乏  For lack of anything more interesting to do, the kids did their homework. lack of n (absence of, deficiency in)SCSimplified Chinese 缺失 quē shī   SCSimplified Chinese 不足 quē shī,bù zú TCTraditional Chinese 不足  There is a total lack of authority in this organisation.  这个组织的权威性缺失严重。 lack of appetite n (absence of desire for food)SCSimplified Chinese 无食欲 wú shí yù TCTraditional Chinese 無食慾   SCSimplified Chinese 没有胃口 wú shí yù,méi yǒu wèi kǒu   SCSimplified Chinese 胃口不佳 wú shí yù,wèi kǒu bù jiā  I often suffer from a lack of appetite when the weather is very hot. Lack of appetite is a sign that your dog is sick. lack of depth n (superficiality, shallow nature)SCSimplified Chinese 缺乏深度 quē fá shēn dù   SCSimplified Chinese 肤浅 quē fá shēn dù,fū qiǎn  Tara might be pretty but she has a lack of depth. lack of depth n (superficiality, lack of insight)SCSimplified Chinese 浅薄 qiǎn bó   SCSimplified Chinese 无远见 qiǎn bó,wú yuǎn jiàn  There is a lack of depth in his poetry which he needs to address if he wants to get it published. lack of differentiation n (no distinction or discrimination)SCSimplified Chinese 不能脱颖而出 bù néng tuō yǐng ér chū   SCSimplified Chinese 缺乏新意 bù néng tuō yǐng ér chū,quē fá xīn yì  Lack of differentiation between ethnic minorities is the key to a peaceful community. lack of discipline n (child: unruly behaviour) (指儿童)SCSimplified Chinese 缺乏管教 quē fá guǎn jiào  The children's lack of discipline led them to laugh and play during the teacher's lesson. lack of discipline n (failure to be strict enough)SCSimplified Chinese 缺乏纪律 quē fá jì lǜ TCTraditional Chinese 缺乏紀律   SCSimplified Chinese 无纪律 quē fá jì lǜ,wú jì lǜ TCTraditional Chinese 無紀律  The children's father had become annoyed with their behaviour, but his lack of discipline meant that the children continued to run through the house. lack of discipline n (absence of self control)SCSimplified Chinese 无自制力 wú zì zhì lì TCTraditional Chinese 無自制力  I have a lack of discipline when it comes to dessert. I can never say no. lack of education n (ignorance, not being informed)SCSimplified Chinese 文化水平低 wén huā shuǐ píng dī   SCSimplified Chinese 教育程度低 wén huā shuǐ píng dī,jiào yù chéng dù dī  A lack of education about contraception can lead to many unwanted pregnancies. lack of education n (having little formal learning)SCSimplified Chinese 缺乏正规教育 quē fá zhèng guī jiào yù   SCSimplified Chinese 受教育程度低 quē fá zhèng guī jiào yù,shòu jiào yù chéng dù dī  Her lack of education did not prevent her from achieving a successful career. lack of enthusiasm n (apathy, disinterest)SCSimplified Chinese 缺乏热情 quē fá rè qíng TCTraditional Chinese 缺乏熱情   SCSimplified Chinese 不感兴趣 quē fá rè qíng,bù gǎn xìng qù  That boy shows a complete lack of enthusiasm in class. lack of feeling n (apathy)SCSimplified Chinese 无动于衷 wú dòng yú zhōng TCTraditional Chinese 無動於衷   SCSimplified Chinese 兴趣阙如 wú dòng yú zhōng,xìng qù quē rú lack of feeling n (lack of sympathy)SCSimplified Chinese 缺乏同情心 quē fá tóng qíng xīn  He ended their relationship by text message which shows a complete lack of feeling. lack of foresight n (failure to think ahead)SCSimplified Chinese 没有先见之明 méi yǒu xiān jiàn zhī míng  Not planning for your retirement shows a complete lack of foresight. lack of information n (ignorance, not being informed about [sth])SCSimplified Chinese 缺乏信息,未得到消息,不明情况 quē fá xìn xī,wèi dé dào xiāo xī,bù míng qíng kuàng   SCSimplified Chinese 无知 wú zhī TCTraditional Chinese 無知  Back in the 1980s, there was a lack of information about AIDS. There is no lack of information about global warming, but some people choose to ignore it anyway. lack of integrity n (dishonesty, immorality)SCSimplified Chinese 不正直 bú zhèng zhí   SCSimplified Chinese 不诚实 bú zhèng zhí,bù chéng shí TCTraditional Chinese 不誠實  He never returns the money he borrows from you; to me this shows a worrying lack of integrity. lack of interest n (apathy, disinterest)SCSimplified Chinese 缺乏兴趣 quē fá xìng qù TCTraditional Chinese 缺乏興趣  The course was cancelled due to a lack of interest. lack of preparation n (failure to be ready for [sth])SCSimplified Chinese 缺乏准备 quē fá zhǔn bèi TCTraditional Chinese 缺乏準備  Because of his lack of preparation, he failed the test. lack of respect n (discourteous speech or behaviour)SCSimplified Chinese (言、行)不够尊敬 yán xíng bú gòu zūn jìng  You shouldn't let your children speak to you like that, it shows a lack of respect. lack of respect n (failure to treat [sb] as a superior)SCSimplified Chinese 缺乏敬意 quē fá jìng yì  As far as I am concerned everyone is equal and I won't call my boss "Sir", but some people say this shows a lack of respect. lack of self-confidence n (insecurity)SCSimplified Chinese 缺乏自信 quē fá zì xìn  His lack of self-confidence held him back in his relationships with women. lack of vision n (inability to think creatively)SCSimplified Chinese 无远见卓识 wú yuǎn jiàn zhuó shí  His lack of vision makes him unsuitable for a career in marketing. lack thereof expr (shortage of [sth])SCSimplified Chinese 缺乏,缺少,缺失 quē fá,quē shǎo ,quē shī TCTraditional Chinese 缺乏,缺少  The food supply, or lack thereof, continues to cause worry.   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011: lack [læk] I n [s/u] (=absence) 缺乏 quēfá II vt [+ means, skills, experience, confidence] 缺乏 quēfá through or for lack of sth 因缺乏某物 yīn quēfá mǒuwù to be lacking 不足 bùzú to be lacking in sth [+ confidence, imagination, talent]缺乏某物 quēfá mǒuwù 在这些条目还发现'lack': 在英文解释里: abandon - absence - aimlessness - amateurishness - amateurism - amenorrhea - amorality - anemia - anomie - anoxia - apathy - arbitrariness - artificiality - artlessness - assurance - asymmetry - atheism - atony - atresia - backwardness - bad taste - baldness - bankruptcy - blackness - bleakness - blindness - bluntness - bored to death - boredom - calcification - callosity - careless - carelessness - chaos - clean hands - cloudiness - clumsiness - cold - cold heart - coldness - color blindness - complacency - complete and utter confusion - complication - contemptuously - coolness - couldn't-give-a-damn attitude - cowardice - cruelty - dare not 中文: 缺 - 寡 - 不乏 - 乏 - 失真 - 失礼 - 照本宣科 - 缺乏 - 缺少 在单词列表中: Top 2000 English words, Personal, PET Vocabulary List - L, 更多……同义词: need, want, require, be missing, be lacking in, 更多……习惯性搭配: lacks [understanding, empathy, compassion, conviction], a [complete, total, shocking, distinct] lack of, lack [food, water, the bare necessities], 更多……

标题中含有单词 'lack' 的论坛讨论:

Display a lack of interest 缺少 / lack 'lack' of something - English Only forum 'would' to show lack of certainty - English Only forum “can’t” to express a physical impossibility because of lack of ability - English Only forum (a) lack of - English Only forum (the) lack of that - English Only forum (The) Lack of understanding - English Only forum [a/the] lack of local work experience - English Only forum [lack of / a lack of] supervision and control - English Only forum a certain refreshing lack of polish. - English Only forum a dearth/paltry/lack of something - English Only forum a heat / a lack - English Only forum a lack - English Only forum A lack / The lack - English Only forum a lack of (the lack of) - English Only forum a lack of / - lack of - English Only forum a lack of / lack of - English Only forum A lack of demands - English Only forum a lack of energy/lack of energy - English Only forum a lack of equipment maintenance - English Only forum a lack of faith in the zero-capital tax results - English Only forum a lack of food/lack of food - English Only forum a lack of foresight by it was - English Only forum a lack of health checks and protective gear - article - English Only forum a lack of inventory - English Only forum "a lack of judgement" and "poor judgement" - English Only forum a lack of need \ the lack of a need - English Only forum A lack of sleep, , impacts - English Only forum a lack of sleep/ lack of sleep - English Only forum 更多……访问Chinese 论坛。帮助 WordReference: 在论坛上提问。 English Only论坛里有关'lack'的讨论 Go to Preferences page and choose from different actions for taps or mouse clicks. 查看 "lack" 的谷歌机器翻译。

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